Why Don't Some Supplements Work for Everyone?
You cannot TRICK your body into healing with a supplement when your lifestyle is out of alignment.
Just like you can't workout more to balance out a poor diet.
The results are undeniable...
The math doesn't math.
This is one of the MANY reasons you won't hear me say:
ALL my products work for ANYONE and EVERYONE.
It's just simply not true.
See, the problem isn't that supplements DON'T work.
It's that too many people use them as a crutch for bad habits.
And so, instead of 'supplementing' a healthy lifestyle WITH the upgrades that a supplement can provide, most people wait until they have a symptom...
Look for a supplement to 'treat' the symptom in the same way they'd turn to an OTC drug...
And then be frustrated because it didn't work the same way.
If you've done diet after diet...
Trend after trend...
And still can't seem to find the happy medium...
It won't be a supplement that gets you there.
It's a lifestyle change.
And that's MUCH bigger than a pill or drink with all the bells and whistles.
OF COURSE I'd love you all to buy my whole line of products...
But I would rather you begin at the SOURCE...
With your diet...
With your fitness...
With your mindset...
And in restoring your personal relationship with discipline.
You are a UNIQUE individual with different genetics...
A different emotional state...
Different experiences...
A different environment...
Who eats different foods...
Uses different products...
And lives in a different region.
Your health is a reflection of the SUM of these parts.
Stop trying to fit in to the lastest trend.
Stop looking for a quick fix to a greater problem.
“You are not a mistake. You are not a problem to be solved. But you won't discover this until you are willing to stop banging your head against the wall of shaming and caging and fearing yourself.” -Geneen Roth
Start listening to your body.
Start analyzing your lifestyle.
Get brutally honest with yourself about where you're slacking.
And take one step at a time to restore your health and well-being to what's right for YOU.
This is what we do in the Intuitive Eating course.
Because your health is as multi-facted as you.
It's important to treat it as such.
A Naturopath with 20 years of experience in helping clients restore their health to optimal levels.
*If this message got under your skin and you're ready to get back into relationship with your body, click HERE to get on the waitlist for our next Intuitive Eating course.