Product Update: from Gut Zen to Zen Belly
You will notice that our Gut Zen powder formula has been removed from the store.
We had an issue in our recent order where our manufacturer had misquoted our amounts. A 50 serving bag was barely making 30 servings.
As we know many of you have come to enjoy that nice vanilla-y cup of daily warmth to help your gut heal...we've really come to enjoy it too...we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Because we don't like having to give up our favorite healthy treats, we decided to find a workaround.
We've been able to procure the same formula in capsules rather than powder to assure proper servings per package while we sort out the issue.
And to avoid any confusion, we've decided to rename it: Zen Belly. Same formula, just in capsules.
If you still want to mix it with hot water to have that yummy cup of goodness, you can simply pop the capsule open and mix Zen Belly into your hot water.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate these obstacles.
Sending you good vibes and sunny wishes from Southern California,
Alida, The Oracle
PS: I've added a 15% discount for Zen Belly good through Tuesday August 22nd if you'd like to try the capsules. No need for a coupon code, the discount will be added automatically at the checkout.