Breaking free of the yo-yo...

Breaking free of the yo-yo...

Yo-yo dieting is cyclical...
And I was trapped in it for almost 2 decades.
I'd feel bad about my life and then binge eat.
I'd pass out in a food coma so I didn't have to FEEL the emotions of why I felt bad in the first place.
When I woke up, I felt even worse because I now felt physically toxic and the emotional pain was still there.
Now, I had even MORE reasons to punish myself...
MORE reasons to shame myself...
MORE reasons to repeat...the...damn...cycle...
It was an endless Pity Party.
I know what it's like to make all the excuses. To pretend that everything is 'fine' while dying inside.
I know how it feels to wonder why everyone else seems to have it "so easy." And to hate myself so much that I would rather FEED the struggle than believe I was no longer a victim to it.
I WAS the struggle.
I WAS the pattern.
I'd built my entire identity around that pain instead of facing the fact that it was just a surface-level expression for a MUCH DEEPER emotional battle.
While changing my diet and working out were essential, I had to also address my perceptions of reality and my belief systems about my self worth.
I had to QUESTION my 'genetics' and convince myself that there was MORE available to me.
Believing what's unseen it TOUGH. Trusting in the uncharted is TOUGH.
But if you aren't willing to believe there's something MORE available to you, NOTHING will change.
The body speaks in creaks, aches, soreness, rumbling, and various pains.
It's a language similar to a baby's cries...
It has no 'words' to speak its feelings.
Instead of numbing those cues, I had to learn to listen.
I couldn't just cast them away as "old age," "old injury," or "that's just my (fill in the blank with any diagnosed state of dis-order)." I had to stop blaming stress for the 'reason' why overeating and self-sabotage was somehow okay.
To deny your body a voice is to deny your own intuitive power.
Once I saw this, I stopped blaming anyone or anything other than MY own choices for the state of health I was experiencing.
It took years of reprogramming and unlearning to reset my the identity I'd formed around that pattern.
One of the many reasons I began coaching back in 2004 was because, once I'd figured it out, I couldn't hold that wisdom to myself. I knew I needed to share it with the world. For 18 years now, I've been coaching, running workshops, teaching cooking classes, running meditation groups, and more.
Now, there's an app for that.
In our Alpha Zen Society app, we have 2 paths for students to take:
1: access to self-paced micro-courses like Eat the Rainbow: The anti-diet diet and The Purpose Code: a path to personal excellence through discipline
2: group coaching cohorts that dig deep into topics like Intuitive Eating and Unshakable Confidence in Health.
All paid members have access to monthly seminars and Jedi Meditations. Both live and replays.
If you're battling with the yo-yo pattern and ready to kick it to the curb, click HERE to set up a Discovery Call and we can discuss which path is right for you.
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