Zen Belly, Zen Mind
Yesterday I bombarded you with information about gut health.
We talked about how to assess your current state and reviewed some supplements to help resolve any issues you might be having.
If it's not evident by now...
I geek OUT on this shit. 😅
The human body and how our lifestyle impacts overall health never ceases to amaze me.
However, in my excitement to tell you ALL about gut health and how to pay closer attention to your own health, I left out the part about how Zen Belly works.
There's a LOT to cover so it really deserves it's own spotlight.
So, continuing on our conversation from yesterday...
We're going to talk about the health benefits of adding fulvic and humic acids, along with chaga mushroom to your gut healing regimen.
But first, let's talk about what 'gut health' actually IS so we have the proper context for our convo.
For our purposes, we will define gut health as:
-Effective breakdown of foods into absorbable nutrients
-Enzyme action breaks down the majority of foods
-Ability to process foods without holding onto debris
-Villi are free to move around and do their job
-Gut microbiome is balanced with an optimal ratio of good to bad bacteria
-Fermentation is minimized
Now that we have context, let's look at how the ingredients in Zen Belly help promote optimal gut health...
Fulvic and humic acids bind to toxins and heavy metals, aiding in their removal from the body.
Toxins and heavy metals can create inflammation in the gut and prevent the absorption of nutrients.
Fulvic acid functions as a digestive enzyme modulator. That's a fancy way of saying: it helps boost the body's ability to break down foods and absorb nutrients more effectively.
Which then leads to a boost in skin and immune health, metabolism and energy.
Enzymes begin in the mouth and break down foods in the stomach and small intestine.
When enzymes aren't working properly, or when too many foods are being combined, food begins to ferment which then leads to bloating, gas, and in time, chronic inflammation.
Chronic inflammation, as we discussed yesterday, leads to autoimmune.
So we WANT better enzyme action to help prevent this.
Enzymes also help to prevent gumming up of the villi. These are like little fingers that 'massage' the food to break it down.
When they are gummed up by debris, excess gluten, and inflammation, you lose out on nutrient absorption.
Fulvic and Humic acids have also been found to help strengthen the health of your bones and skin by acting as a mineral transporter.
Consuming foods like beans and grains that have not been properly soaked or sprouted prior to cooking, can bind to minerals and FLUSH them out of the body. So if you're consuming a lot of these foods, fulvic and humic acid can help boost absorption instead of elimination.
They carry anti-aging properties with antioxidant power and help to reduce inflammation.
Which is exceptional for those of you who are battling the gut bloat.
By adding Chaga to the mix, we're boosting the anti-oxidant (aka anti-aging) potential.
Anti-oxidants neutralize 'free radicals' that cause damage to cells and cause pre-mature aging.
Free radicals are caused by carcinogenic foods such as fried foods and ultra processed foods, environmental toxins like pesticides, smoking cigarettes (not the tobacco itself but the toxins mixed in with it and the paper/filters being used....a conversation for another day), drinking alcohol frequently, and stress.
Basically, a lifestyle that works AGAINST nature.
Chaga helps to modulate the immune system which helps to fight off the overgrowth of foreign invaders. Beta-glucans in Chaga, certain fibers, help to boost the health of beneficial gut bacteria to keep the balance optimal between good and bad bacteria.
And because Chaga supports cognitive function and mental clarity, we're giving the body the essential tools to boost the gut-brain connection more effectively.
Now, the question: How long do you need to take Zen Belly to see results?
That all depends on the severity of your condition and what result you are looking to attain.
With a solid approach to healing your gut (supported by diet, stress mitigation and supplementation) you may see results as soon as a week or two.
However, each body is different.
A 90 day protocol may be needed to fully reset the ecology of the gut.
This is why I gave you so many questions to ask yourself yesterday.
The more you question your habits, thoughts and lifestyle, the better your results will be.
When it comes to your gut health, EVERYTHING in your body relies on your ability to break down and absorb nutrients.
So do your best NOT to settle for 'just good enough' in this arena.
Can Zen Belly be taken longer?
If you're living a lifestyle that requires an added boost in detoxification, anti-aging, and nutrient absorption, you CAN take this product daily.
As usual, it's important to understand YOUR needs and do what's best for YOUR body.
I hope you've taken LOTS of notes and will start taking your gut health more seriously.
After all, it IS the foundation of ALL your body's functions.