If BIG Goals Don't Work For You, Try This! (Advanced Level Stuff)
Today, I'm not going to tell you to set a bigger goal.
I'm not going to tell you to reach for the stars or even to aim for some outlandish reality that's SO far beyond your comfort zone it makes you want to gag.
Oh sure, that reach has its benefits. And there is a time and place for it BUT....
You may not be ready for that type of reach.
Because you're addicted to settling for JUST good enough. Hence, reaching high doesn't FIT your current narrative.
Reaching feels unnatural.
Scary AF.
After all, who ARE you if you don't settle and make excuses?
Who would you be if you couldn't fall back on your personal commitments?
Your entire identity may be so deeply attached to self-sabotage that the sheer thought of breaking that pattern feels like you're going to lose you whole mind.
I get it.
So instead all that fluffy positive psychology stuff, I'm going to share with you an advanced level technique that I ONLY teach clients in my Unshakable Confidence course.
And frankly, it's the one technique from that course I get the most feedback from because frankly...
It STINGS like a mofo!
But keep in mind...
Truth only hurts when we DON'T want to hear it.
You've been warned.
So, let's talk about your Rock Bottom.
And by rock bottom I mean:
The LOWEST low you'll let yourself get before taking action.
The point where enough is REALLY enough.
Now here's the thing, most people have this set SO low that they never feel inspired to call bullshit on daily excuses.
As a former food addict, I used to try and throw junk foods away in hopes of stopping myself from binging...
Only to dig them out of the trash with the 'logic' of "Well, it's still wrapped so it didn't touch any trash."
Or "If I just eat the rest of this WHOLE package then it won't be in the house anymore and I won't be tempted."
Yeah, that didn't work.
It sure as hell didn't stop me from bringing it BACK into the house or from binge eating the whole package.
Because I KNEW I would just 'eat the whole thing' to prevent it from being a temptation...
Or worse...
I could just dig it out of the trash if I had second thoughts about throwing it away.
That was just 'what I did.'
It was my internal narrative.
My LOWEST low was REALLY low and I finally came to a point where it was no longer working for me.
So here's what I did:
I RAISED my rock bottom.
In baby steps, of course.
I made a commitment that digging food out of the trash was NOT an option.
That was step one.
Once I got comfortable with that, I moved on with the next baby step and the next.
I set rules for myself like:
-No Costco sized junk food purchases. Grocery store size was enough.
-Order sweets in single serving instead of in bulk so there's nothing to take home.
Which helped me to progressively retrain my brain from 'Who gives a flying fuck?!' to 'Yeah, I do give a fuck and I deserve better than to kill myself with food!'
Moving to the point where I was able to say "If I want to try something, I'll have just 2 bites then no more."
But I HAD to build up the resilience to get to that point.
And it took SERIOUS effort.
So if you're addicted to a pattern, focus on raising your rock bottom INSTEAD of reaching for your highest high.
Stop settling for just good enough while simultaneously learning to take LESS shit from yourself.
Start learning how to to trust yourself again instead of letting yourself slip in so many places.
Stop making logic out of your excuses.
How bad does it have to get before you've had enough?
What dis-ease has to occur?
What clothing size do you have to hit?
How bad does the brain fog...leaky gut...arthritis...have to get before you DO something about it?
We ALL have a rock bottom.
But we don't have to be victim to it.
Change your life before you HAVE to.
THAT is how you'll build unshakable confidence.
By taking OWNERSHIP of your health before you're forced to.
“Surgeons can cut out everything except cause.”
- Herbert M. Shelton